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IIMT Group of Colleges

IIMT Group of Colleges was established in the year 1994. Since its inception, the group has grown leaps & bounds and achieved exemplary recognition from the Industry & Academia. At IIMT, we are committed to provide a value driven culture along with creating a professional environment. IIMT as a group, large and diversified, imparts knowledge in the field of Engineering, Management, Education, Law, Pharmacy, etc. It has highly qualified and experienced faculty members in their respective functional areas. IIMT boasts of having more than 8,000 students in various courses in six colleges.

The educational group has been dedicated towards providing quality professional education through well-accredited courses, Seminars, Conferences, Guest Lectures, Industrial visits and excellent Academic facilities. We believe in an all round development of students with strong foundation based on pillars of knowledge, intellect and values. The programs are structured to keep pace with the present dynamic and globalized scenario meeting the requirement of industry and education. We are dedicated to deliver excellence in our academic programs.


Factors Which Are Restraining Learning And Employability In India

The last 16 years have witnessed the greatest global expansion of tertiary education in recent history due to a 60 percent growth in student admission. India’s performance is even more noticeable—tertiary education expanded alm­ost an eye-catching threefold, from 8.5 million students in 2000-01 to 23.8 million in 2013-14. The number of tertiary education institutions has also increased remarkably.

According to a recent survey, nearly eight colle­ges have opened daily in India over this period. As the World Bank researches show, students today choose professional education. In 2008, merely 25 percent of tertiary education students opted for technical education; today nearly 50 percent are enrolled in these courses. And importantly, the enormous maj­ority of India’s tertiary level students study in private unaided colleges. Over the past decade, access to tertiary education has become more unprejudiced across all divisions—caste or income—though not so across regions and gender. Less positively, the quality of education conveyed is mixed, and complaints about its significance to changing labor market needs and employability issues are pervasive.

India is not alone facing this crisis. Other countries face the same kind of issue when enrollment in tertiary education rises rapidly. These involve low levels of student learning and employability, weak research opportunities, and restricted innovation.

Three key factors restrain learning and employability in India: low levels of student preparation for college; high faculty vacancies and minor autonomy in institutes. While government attempts have led to more students accomplishing secondary education, many of them are just not prepared for college. A large number lack the skills—low academic preparation, insufficient language capabilities, little socio-psychological preparedness—needed to succeed. Secondly, as regards the limitedness of faculty, in the average government engineering college, vacancies can be as high as 50-55 percent. While colleges tend to cover this gap with guest faculty, even students in big colleges find they have no consistent teacher. Thirdly, many government colleges and private colleges affiliated to state universities have minimal autonomy. This means they have little right in determining objectives and priorities—in selecting leaders, choosing faculty app­ointments or research priorities, on designing the curriculum, structure and content of programs and examinations. With limited flexibility in determining what students learn, they cannot provide students with the skills needed by a changing industry.


IIMT Group of Colleges, which is considered as one of the Top MBA colleges in Greater Noida and Top & Best Engineering Colleges in UP is trying to set up an environment with the support of Government of India in order to eradicate above mention challenges.