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IIMT Group of Colleges

IIMT Group of Colleges was established in the year 1994. Since its inception, the group has grown leaps & bounds and achieved exemplary recognition from the Industry & Academia. At IIMT, we are committed to provide a value driven culture along with creating a professional environment. IIMT as a group, large and diversified, imparts knowledge in the field of Engineering, Management, Education, Law, Pharmacy, etc. It has highly qualified and experienced faculty members in their respective functional areas. IIMT boasts of having more than 8,000 students in various courses in six colleges.

The educational group has been dedicated towards providing quality professional education through well-accredited courses, Seminars, Conferences, Guest Lectures, Industrial visits and excellent Academic facilities. We believe in an all round development of students with strong foundation based on pillars of knowledge, intellect and values. The programs are structured to keep pace with the present dynamic and globalized scenario meeting the requirement of industry and education. We are dedicated to deliver excellence in our academic programs.


Where is the perfect place for you to get a College Education?

Suppose you’re looking at a list of the Best Engineering Placement College Greater Noida, and still you can’t decide whether anything is, in fact, right for you.


It’s not just the engineers, but everyone who is somehow preparing to turn a new page in their lives. This is the matter of colleges, which at some point in everyone’s lives the choice just too difficult to properly handle. Many tend to end up somewhere where they have the least interest of going. Often, compromises have to be made all across the board because in a college, it’s more than just a place to live. Through its help, you’re essentially entering at a brand new point that will have great consequences throughout its entirety.


Choose a place where you wanted to live for a long time

This is often what many say should be one of the key determinants of choosing the ideal college for your own self.


For example, Top BBA College in Greater Noida certainly has a great claim in making a case for you, as well as your parents. The institutions in that place are quite well-known and have been a part of the education system for quite some time. But, why spend years at a place where you’ve no business whatsoever? The place makes you who you are, and whatever your choice might be, make sure that it’s the absolute best.

Make sure that there is some history and heritage of the institution

It’s pretty apparent that new college education centers all across India are being established as if they are the most commonplace things. But, sadly, many of them lack the resources and capabilities required to run a complete college by themselves. That’s why you should go with a one that has some kind of history, and it shall most definitely take your career right to the stratosphere.


Make sure they have the right approval of authorities and other boards

There are so many reports every year about this college not having the right authorization, which led them to effectively disband with their operations. That’s why you should research the institution where you’re going to study quite extensively. Go to their website, check out the details, verify and test them!


Surely, you can do at last that since it’s your career is hanging on the rope.


So, keep sure to keep these things in mind if you’re happening to search for Best Engineering Placement College Greater Noida.

Source: http://www.iimtindia.net/NOIDA_MGMT_BBA/bba.aspx

Assembling Minds for Placements

Bachelor of Technology is the most supported program across the nation. Students face lot of difficulties to grab the seats in best colleges.


There are a lot of companies which prefer fresher students through campus recruitments. These companies seek foursome extraordinary brains that would be having some updated skills of latest technologies.


These companies let the students go through various rounds of interview including aptitude, Logical thinking, & fair Communication skills too. 

Product Company. 

These companies have their criteria to select the students who score good percentage. They even check the subject related skills of the students to sort out the best talent among the crowd. The students should be focused towards their career along with confidence with could be plus point for their selection.


Some of nicely maintained engineering colleges help students to come out of confusion to hunt for a seat.


Best Engineering Placement College Greater Noida stays around the marks they score for the placement purposes and later on towards what an organization needs & demands. The colleges not only improve the appearance and impression of the interviewee but also keep an eye for updates of organization’s requirements.



The instructor’s of colleges such as IIMT, guides to survive safely in the competitive world by educating them various strategies to along with essential information while appearing for the placements. They help the student answering the hypothetical questions making them understand the subject matter in more refined way.


These Top Management Colleges of AKTU put a lot of efforts with various high profile associations for the preparation of interviews.  


The mentality & imagination power of students improves forcing them to be more innovative, this is just done for their betterment & their professional development. The management college like IIMT offer better career opportunities with higher salaries.


The management students will have greater business opportunities which happen with them due to more on-field experience. This further increases the career prospects for them landing to achieve a dream job.


They can think out of the box & are forced to think out of their comfort zone and learn how to deal in today’s competitive market issues. The students here are pushed to improve themselves with a positive Problem-solving attribute. 

Source: http://www.iimtindia.net/Placement_Records.aspx

How AICTE is Enacting Monumental Changes Across Technical Colleges in India


For a significant amount of time, colleges have acquired a great sense of importance and issues throughout the country. In the midst of all the monumental changes made, however, most parents and students want nothing more than admission into only the top technical colleges in India.

A key player among these factors is the body known as All Indian Council for Technical Education (AICTE), and they have taken the entire scenario under consideration. The issues surrounding the placement of all such considerations practically resulted in no new colleges to be allowed as a concerted decision.

However, there are several exigencies involved with regards to this overlying decision announced, which will certainly have a great deal of influence about the educational sector of the entire country.


Accommodating recommendations from top educators

It needs to be stated that considerations regarding the decision made by AICTE did not just emanate out of thin air.

Specifically, there were significant considerations and directions made in relation to could be found in the reports submitted by a government committee pioneered by IIT-Hyderabad Chairman, BVR Mohan Reddy. All the considerations and decisions made were quite closely and associatively by the committee in question.

No Takers for seats in Engineering Colleges

The case for admission across all 3,291 engineering colleges across India was found to contain glaring gaps under every consideration or projection, varying from the facilitation of corruption, as well as no proper regulation in terms of infrastructure and essentials.

This is what was found by the Reddy led Committee, and they recommended immediate changes to be made across the board.

The rise of new capabilities and subjects of interests

Top technical colleges in India controlled by the AICTE was also deemed to be significantly limited and backward in terms of the specific disciplines explored and cultivated. To this end, the committee recommended that the board should look forward to enacting changes to the courses every two years, and it should continue in an exactly specific fashion.

The case for all these changes made shall have immense consequences to the entirety of higher education. Students and parents can come to expect only the highest and selective form of education disseminating, especially across private engineering colleges in Delhi NCR.

Factors Which Are Restraining Learning And Employability In India

The last 16 years have witnessed the greatest global expansion of tertiary education in recent history due to a 60 percent growth in student admission. India’s performance is even more noticeable—tertiary education expanded alm­ost an eye-catching threefold, from 8.5 million students in 2000-01 to 23.8 million in 2013-14. The number of tertiary education institutions has also increased remarkably.

According to a recent survey, nearly eight colle­ges have opened daily in India over this period. As the World Bank researches show, students today choose professional education. In 2008, merely 25 percent of tertiary education students opted for technical education; today nearly 50 percent are enrolled in these courses. And importantly, the enormous maj­ority of India’s tertiary level students study in private unaided colleges. Over the past decade, access to tertiary education has become more unprejudiced across all divisions—caste or income—though not so across regions and gender. Less positively, the quality of education conveyed is mixed, and complaints about its significance to changing labor market needs and employability issues are pervasive.

India is not alone facing this crisis. Other countries face the same kind of issue when enrollment in tertiary education rises rapidly. These involve low levels of student learning and employability, weak research opportunities, and restricted innovation.

Three key factors restrain learning and employability in India: low levels of student preparation for college; high faculty vacancies and minor autonomy in institutes. While government attempts have led to more students accomplishing secondary education, many of them are just not prepared for college. A large number lack the skills—low academic preparation, insufficient language capabilities, little socio-psychological preparedness—needed to succeed. Secondly, as regards the limitedness of faculty, in the average government engineering college, vacancies can be as high as 50-55 percent. While colleges tend to cover this gap with guest faculty, even students in big colleges find they have no consistent teacher. Thirdly, many government colleges and private colleges affiliated to state universities have minimal autonomy. This means they have little right in determining objectives and priorities—in selecting leaders, choosing faculty app­ointments or research priorities, on designing the curriculum, structure and content of programs and examinations. With limited flexibility in determining what students learn, they cannot provide students with the skills needed by a changing industry.


IIMT Group of Colleges, which is considered as one of the Top MBA colleges in Greater Noida and Top & Best Engineering Colleges in UP is trying to set up an environment with the support of Government of India in order to eradicate above mention challenges.








Top Management Colleges in Delhi NCR


Business management dream in India can never come of age. The tight race and high rung CAT scores make it troublesome for students to secure a seat in IIMs. Delhi NCR is possibly one of the biggest hubs in India for getting a higher education. There is various GOVT as well as AICTE approved Business Schools providing management courses like MBA, PGDM etc. One must consider IIMT College of Colleges which is pacing its way to become one of the best B School in Greater Noida. The IIMT Group of college has earned the accolade of top management college in Delhi NCR, and best MBA College in UP. Moreover, IIMT envisions getting the status of a global academic institution through innovations and research emphatically focused on environmental issues. The faculties of IIMT come from IIMs and another premium Indian and International Universities. Along with this, students are provided guidance and platform to start their own venture.

Here is the list of the top 5 management colleges in Delhi/NCR-

  • FMS (Faculty of Management Studies
  • IIMT College of Engineering
  • IMI (International Management Institute)
  • FSM (Fore School of Management)
  • Amity University


Studying on top-rated colleges/institute will always be advantageous in terms of receiving a huge opportunity from the world biggest techies.

IIMT is one of the best management college in Delhi NCR established in 1994, it offers one of the most ideal learning environments for management education. Under the guidance of our Illustrious Board of Directors, Faculty members with many International Universities and Corporate Houses, IIMT students have continued to excel in Corporate and Business ventures.

While taking admission students generally look for

1. Placement Records

2. Alumni

3. How many Companies are coming for Placement

4. Highest Salary Package

5. Average Salary Package

IIMT Group of Colleges is best in terms of all these factors. It is the Best Management College in Delhi NCR. Nowadays people are recommending IIMT to everyone for their bright career.

Source: http://www.iimtindia.net

Employment Challenges for a Pass Out.

There are a number of institutes offering engineering courses but it’s been noted that there is an imbalance in the availability of technical education. The engineering institutions in some areas are less as compared to metropolitan cities.

Whereas other states are also increasing the count of engineering institutes but the quality of students is also a main concern for all these colleges.

There also comes again a very important matter for consideration, JOB. If there are enough colleges then, will every engineering pass out will get the desired job? If not, then what is the solution or what is the need for so many private colleges?


With the increase in industrialization, there is a demand for more engineers but only the creamy layer.
The quality, skills & adaptation of these engineers are considered for better employment opportunities. The technical skills, communication skills, teamwork capability is most demanded skills for a fresher.


Fresher pass out Engineers from various colleges sometimes lacks good communicating skills.

Most colleges organize training programs from time to time to update the knowledge of their students, Even ensures a good infrastructure, quality faculty. All the essentialities are provided to students along with high teaching standards, basically in Private engineering colleges in Delhi NCR.

The quality and quantity, both should go side by side. A proper infrastructure & a full-fledged campus is the requirement for Delhi NCR engineering colleges.

Not every private institute delivers all services as promised. Whereas, the Engineering institutes of IIMT Group of Collages is a symbol for quality technical education facilities, eradicating the question on quality of creamy engineers.

Source: http://www.iimtindia.net

Role of Latest Technology in Education Sector

The latest technologies have rapidly changed the world in all sectors of education as well as the economy and thus have a great impact on the global platform as well. Technology aids one to stay connected irrespective of the place and distance. Nowadays we are so much dependent on technologies that a day without them results in severe loss and impediment. It has been universally reported that more than 30 billion devices are connected to the internet in 2018.

Technology is a central part of learning in college classrooms too. Today’s students have grown up with all this technology, so colleges like junior college should change with the times and adapt to the way students learn the best. As technology is a foremost part of our everyday lives now, so of course it should be a key aspect to education in order to prepare students for the real world and their future careers where they will most likely be using mobile devices and laptops. Lectures in colleges can be customized to fit each student’s progress and learning methodology. Through the various learning tools, educators can generate opportunities for students to be able to work and excel at their own level and pace.

1. Artificial Intelligence: For students, AI will unavoidably impact their careers. Those interested in careers inArtificial Intelligence could pursue a wide range of exciting new career opportunities focused on data science, machine learning or advanced statistics. And, even students not focused on AI would take advantage of a sound education in artificial intelligence and familiarity with working with machines.

2. Virtual Reality: Virtual Reality is the latest way where students are showing their interest. The benefit of such implementation is that it enables the students to interact with each other as well as within a limited dimensional environment.

3. The (M-Learning): Learning that is taken through mobile phones is gaining popularity at a rapid scale. The trend is changing and nowadays people use phones for internet purposes than computers. Mobile traffic has been increased and hence is also encouraged in educational sectors as there are many learning apps available for learning purposes.

4Tablet and Laptops: Institutions and schools are changing their teaching trends or methodology by embracing modern tools such as laptops, tablets etc. rather than booksTablet and Laptops have become a new educational paradigm in developed countries as a consequence of the fact that now, students, in general, have technology devices with which they can communicate and access information
in real time.

5. Social Media at Institutions: Social media is transfiguring educational sectors as students are using social media platforms to connect with friends or peers for all social gatherings and keeping updated with information and technology.

6Learning through Smart Board: Smartboard training facilities provide a way for students to learn in a most captivating way and excel in their career. They are a sophisticated alternative to the traditional overhead projector. It enriches classrooms in various ways by providing hands-on collaboration and generating the perfect learning setting.

7. Cloud-Based Technology in Education: When students are not able to attend classes cloud-based classrooms can be ideal. These can indulge basic text lessons or can be as beneficial as to include video lessons or even live chat sessions with the teacher via instant messenger or video messaging programs like Skype.

IIMT College has been continuously ranking top in the list of Top Engineering Colleges in UPTop Management College in Delhi NCRBest Engineering College in Greater Noida and UPTU Top 100 Engineering Colleges. We are proving the best facilities and technological environment to our student.

Source: http://www.iimtindia.net